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Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR) has transitioned to a new website. All manuscript submissions, reviews, and inquiries must be directed to the new platform.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we strive to enhance your experience with MJQR.

Cute Notebooks

ISSN No: 1823-8521

eISSN No: 3009-0237

Since 2019, MJQR is published two times a year - May & November. From 2007 to 2018, MJQR was published once every two years.



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MJQR is now registered in myJMS.

All submissions from 2023 will be via myJMS.

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Awards 1 2023
Awards 2 2023
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VOL. 10 (1) May 2024











About The Journal

  • The Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR) ISSN No-1823-8521 (eISSN No - 3009-0237) is a biannual publication of the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM).

  • MJQR has been in publication since 2007 and was initially published once every two years.

  • Since 2019, MJQR is published twice a year, in May and November.

  • MJQR is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal that focuses on methodological issues, innovations, and insights in qualitative or mixed methods studies.

  • MJQR is fully owned, published, funded and sponsored by QRAM.

  • All articles and copyrights in MJQR belong to QRAM.

  • MJQR is currently listed in MyJurnal and indexed in Google Scholar. We are in the process of being indexed with other databases.

  • Currently there is no article processing charge (APC) for this publication.

Aims and Scope

The MJQR journal is the only journal that focuses on qualitative research methods in Malaysia. It was established as a platform that invites national and international scholarship that has multi-disciplinary appeal, that debates and enlivens qualitative methods, and that pushes the boundaries of established ways of doing qualitative research. It is a space where ideas and understandings are exchanged to initiate methodological issues in qualitative research for reflection and debate. MJQR seeks empirical research studies from a variety of perspectives, including academics and practitioners in the field of gender and women studies, family studies, social work, psychology, sociology, education, evaluation, religious studies, geography, communication, management, marketing, accounting, health science, and other related disciplines across the social, behavioural, and human sciences.


1. To promote and enhance the understanding of qualitative research and its applications.
2. To serve as a platform for a forum on the fundamental topics of qualitative research, including matters of ethics.
3. To facilitate the sharing of ideas and critical problems faced by qualitative researchers and practitioners.
4. To provide an avenue for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas on the practical applications of qualitative research.
5. To serve as an outlet for sharing and dissemination of qualitative research work in Malaysia and outside Malaysia.
6. To offer a critical and reflective gaze on methodological approaches, understandings and engagements in qualitative research.



1. Research in the social, behavioural, health, and human sciences that employs qualitative research methods. Apart from the presentation of qualitative findings, these studies need to include aspects of their research that advance knowledge of the qualitative inquiry.
2. Methodological issues that advance knowledge about qualitative research methods that span across the social, behavioural, health, and human sciences. The topics may include all aspects and stages of qualitative processes, the various techniques of data collection and analysis, innovative theories and techniques, use of technology in qualitative research, ethics and qualitative reporting focusing on the report writing, researcher’s experiences and roles during fieldwork.
3. Mixed method papers are also published, provided greater emphasis is placed on qualitative methodology.
4. Papers reporting study design innovations, and funded-project proposals using qualitative or mixed methods research that is useful to the global research community.



MJQR is currently listed in MyJurnal and indexed in Google Scholar and Crossref. We are in the process of being indexed in other databases. 

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